Sunday, 13 October 2013

London - Dosa Deli

Earlier today I braved the drizzle and went to a cheese and wine market with a friend at Southbank. It was held where the regular weekend farmers market is usually found, (which I highly recommend), just opposite PingPong. Although it was smaller than the usual market, everyone there was gallantly battling the elements with a glass of red in one hand, and a cocktail stick with something Devonshire stuck on it in the other, so there was a definite happy buzz about.
We, however, went rogue and opted for the (only) Indian option, because they were selling fresh, proper, Chai tea. (Plus, it was only 10am... Who were all these people?)...

The Chai was amazing and although I've tried to make it fresh at home a number of times, I've always failed, so won't bore you, but it was the Goan Masala Dosa wrap that was particularly great. The wrap itself was made fresh on the spot, much like a pancake, and it was then filled with shredded paneer cheese, onion, peppers, coriander, and had this amazing yoghurt chutney garnish that was great for dipping. Although incredibly filling, it also felt very light and healthy.

So go check out a market next time, they never disappoint.

- J

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