Saturday, 2 February 2013

Bristol - Maximillion's Deli

A few weeks ago, my friend went to this place and offered me a bite of the roll he bought. One bite and I was sold. It was incredible - certainly the best 'bite to eat' I'd had in a while. So I made it my mission to find this place.

Snuck away, just beyond the beautifully colourful Nelson Street (the 'grafitti street'), it looked like any old humble cafe from the outside. Stepping inside, you're surrounded by food everywhere. There's just so much of it.

Shamelessly, I'll admit to having looked up 'Bristol food challenges' a while back in lieu of an English-equivalent to Man vs. Food and this was one of the results that came up. Here's why.

Firstly the roll presented to you is about as big as a human head, and that's not even hyperbolic. You're then offered 'meat' or 'non-meat' and, as a self-respecting man, obviously I chose the former. Then this is the catch - you then get 5 'sides', as they refer to them ('toppings' to normal people). You've got the standard ones - various types of cheese, cuts of meat, chillis, assorted veg. Then it gets a bit more strange - scotch eggs, different pasta salads, numerous potato salads. Potato freaking salad a roll. Carb overload. It had to be done though.

There were probably around 40, maybe 50 sides to choose from. The very kind server told me that I should "come back on a weekday and [they] have sooo much more". I'm intrigued to see what other wonderful things they can think about putting in a sandwich. You could spend years trying out all the different combinations and unlike most places, they don't cut you short on the portions either - almost as if they want to get rid of their ingredients.

So I chose an unusual combination of pork with stuffing, filled with cheese, jalapenos, some sort of chilli salad creation, salami, and a curried potato salad. Costing a measely £3.50 for a roll as a big as my head. I'd say that's a bargain and a half.

Sitting down to eat it (you would have to sit down to eat one of these bad boys), I took in what is positively best described as a 'man-wich' - the highly generous portions made it almost as tall as it was wide, even Joey Tribbiani would be contemplating sharing one of these. But there was no sharing today. For such a strange mixture of ingredients and flavours, it was incredibly tasty. I couldn't put it down. Although slightly wary that on this occasion my eyes may have been bigger than my stomach, I powered through - a significant achievement if I do say so myself.

I will definitely be returning when my stomach feels ready to take on the challenge again. I'm also shocked at how few have heard about this remarkable place. Go and try it out!


P.S. Once again, I've forgotten to get photos (obviously couldn't put the tasty thing down long enough to be able to), but next time I will!

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