Friday, 29 March 2013

Bristol - Shake Wrap and Roll

Most people that know me will know how much of a procrastinator I am and today was no different. After sleeping in, packing my bag for a weekend in London, and tidying my room it was clear no work was getting done today. So food presented the last bastion of distraction, and for all you edgy folk out on Gloucester Road, this one's a real gem.

Hard to miss, Shake Wrap and Roll colourfully occupies a central position along one of Bristol's busiest roads. What first drew me to SW&R were actually free vouchers I picked up in Freshers Week (yeh, it pays to actually look at all the free stuff that get's forced down your throat - excuse the pun!) and I've been a fairly frequent visitor since.

I imagine most Bristol-dwellers will have heard of the amazingness that is Magic Roll, however, SW&R certainly gives it a good run for its money. Essentially the same concept, what SW&R offers that differs is the much bigger range of ingredients and, in my opinion, bigger wraps, all for the same price - what's not to like! (both Magic Roll and SW&R have hoiked up their prices recently, but I think they now both cost the same). Nice range of meat options, including a personal favourite of mine - brie and bacon, and unrestricted choice of the available salad fillings and interesting sauces. All locally-sourced (so tempted to write 'sauced', but one pun's enough) and home-made ingredients and served by welcoming, knowledgable staff make this a must-visit to anyone in the area. B-e-a-utiful!

I actually took a photo this time!


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