Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Bristol - Urban Wood (First meal together!)

Big A and Little J finally have their first proper blog meal out together…huzzah! 

J: So I arrived first, being ever early, and had to prop up the bar with a solitary glass of red while I waited for A to appear. I did, however, have company in the form of a downhearted businessman-type next to me; yet erase any images of the bar from ‘Cheers’ from your mind, (a very old reference there), as Urban Wood is actually a small and fairly eclectic restaurant. The place is aglow with fairy lights in the windows and with candles bedecking nearly every surface. A large feature of the place is the wax-dripped candelabrum that is set in between the front room of the restaurant, and the back room, separated by the large open bay window. We went on a Monday, which, by pure chance, happened to be 2-4-1 on burgers, and so we both jumped right on it. 

A: I’d never even heard of Urban Wood before Little J suggested it, but what a find! Self-proclaimed ‘Bristol’s best kept secret’, they had a lot to live up to, and they didn’t fail us. With a wealth of tempting choices on the menu, all at reasonable prices, we settled for the burgers filled with chorizo, bacon and cheese, topped with a fried egg, and some olives and sun-dried tomatoes as apéritifs. Arriving fairly promptly, we tucked in. Delicious. Hints of apple complemented the beef from the burgers, which was just extraordinary, putting it on par with my favourite burgers, courtesy of Boston Tea Party and The Mall Pub. My only qualm would be the inclusion of the devil’s food – rocket; but actually, the salad was made almost bearable by an interesting dressing. 

J: What A has ceased to mention is the slightly awkward incident that set both bar staff running. When going to pour some ketchup, (see offending bottle in below image), he dropped it with a bang into the mayo, splattering that on the table, and in turn knocking over the candle, which promptly fizzed out. Watching that bizarre chain of events I half expected a mouse-trap to come tottering down. 

A: ...and what J has failed to mention is her inability to judge how much salt is too much salt, leaving me to polish off what she couldn’t finish (most of it...). This place is definitely worth a visit, especially on a Monday - £5 for a burger is such a deal! Although, I did feel slightly conned that they charged us for the olives and sundried tomatoes separately, when the menu definitely tricked me into thinking otherwise... and £3 for a pint of coke was a bit of a surprise too. However, the quality of the food and the nice, almost homely atmosphere certainly made up for these trivial setbacks. Go and make use of the deal if you get the chance!

A & J

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