Heading down into the centre of town, I was excited by the prospect of a good old-fashioned pie with all the trimmings - mash, gravy, the whole works. However, the map on my phone placed the arrow in a vague block grey area - St Nicholas' Street Market - the labarinth itself. Originally expecting a proper shop, what I didn't realise was that it was a stall in the heart of one of Bristol's busiest markets.
Eventually finding it, picking up some free falafel on the way from another stand, I set about scanning the menu to see what was on offer. A huge range of pastries awaits you, and they don't shy away from showing all the awards they've won with stickers adorning the glass display cases. So many choices. So many extra little delights to add to already difficult decision of which pie to choose.
I went for a simple choice - the Freeranger. Chicken, ham, and cheese. I couldn't resist adding on mash and gravy too. The rather cramped stall measures roughly 3m x 6m, not much bigger than my Bristol
Once again, I couldn't help myself and dove straight in without thinking to take a photo first. So here's one from Google:
With crispy pastry and overflowing with filling it was fairly satisfying, but it just wasn't really enough and the gravy and mash and the pie in general were distinctly average. Not quite the stuff of legends. I've got a massive appetite - hence the existence of this blog - so I left feeling a little disappointed, picking up another free falafel ball on the way back.
Maybe it was an off day? Maybe I made the wrong choice of pie and trimmings? There were loads of other options afterall.
I will probably return again, but at the cost of £6 (pie, mash, and gravy, to eat in) I may have to alter my choices for next time. One positive though - I did find a place that does amazing falafels...
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