Saturday, 6 April 2013

London - Abokado

Abokado is my new lunchtime destination. So, with regrets, a bientot, dear Pret a Manger. Having done my fair share of work experience up in London I really relished the abundance of choice that is all held under this one, super-healthy roof. Abokado combines the Eastern persuasions found at the likes of Itsu, with its hot rice pots, noodle broths and selections of sushi; with the more substantial lunchtime goods associated with Pret: cold and hot wraps, fresh juices, and delightfully yummy, gluten-free brownies. It's the Teryaki Chicken Powch that first wowed me, (and I mean wowed me in the sense that I muttered a surprised 'Oh! Mmm!' under my breath), just before whoever was sitting next to me slowly shuffled away. Although this 'Powch' comes with the super foreboding tagline: 'LOW CAL, NO BUTTER, NO MAYO, LOW FAT', it still packed such a punch of teryaki-taste, that it was startling. I teamed this up with the carrot, apple, and ginger juice - which I repeated on subsequent visits because it was JUST so good, and reminded me of Blue Juice in Bristol - and I also had a millionare shortbread, (was flagging and in need of a treat).

As it is super healthy the portions are enough, but I think the trick is to team different components up with each other. I saw a businessman grab a sushi and then two wraps and thought to myself: 'he has it right'. What a winner. So there you go, next time you are pottering around Central and feel peckish, stave off the usual lunchtime suspects and try somewhere new. If anything, that's the secret to a good day.


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