Wednesday, 20 August 2014

London - Pizza Pilgrims

My pizza cravings have known no end these past few weeks, but I held out for the good stuff, and this time found myself at the ever popular Pizza Pilgrims in Soho.

We were sitting on the bench by the window watching the passersby, and at one point were awkwardly avoiding the smug stares of a fairly elderly gentleman who thought he had 'scored', and wouldn't move on. He thought we were laughing coyly, we were really laughing in embarrassment.

Anyway, the pizzas themselves were incredibly quick to come. The menu was different to the one online and was small, but interesting. It included a pesto based pizza, a carbonara pizza (with pancetta and an egg), and a margherita that charged extra to include mozzarella, which at first I was a bit puzzled by, but as it turns out you really don't need it as the 'fior di latte' and parmesan were cheese enough.

We both went for the roast aubergine and garlic on margherita. This was delicious, but in future I wouldn't bother with the addition of the aubergine, as it was small scattered chunks of which only a few were really soft and garlicky, so unfortunately many of mine were hard and added nothing much.

The base and crust were delicious, slightly charred on the bottom and not too doughy but yet still chewy, and oh my it was filling. We had planned to get the nutella pizza ring for pudding but there was no way on God's earth that that was happening. So kudos to Pizza Pilgrims, it made for a slightly cheaper meal.

To round it off I would say that it's a great place to go for a speedy and delicious pizza, but I would stick to a margherita. Were I to choose between here and Franco Manca's..... Franco's was a bit thinner and had the sourdough thing going on, but here was simple and classic. See which is nearer...


- J

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