Wednesday, 23 January 2013

You'll never guess what happened at our first meal...

So first, to set the scene.

It was midday, and we decided to go to one of our favourite haunts, MochaMocha, on St Michael's Hill, for lunch. (They do a great coffee and pastry deal for £2.50 before 10am which is a fantastic motivation to help get you to the library early).

We were perusing the sandwiches, (a personal fave is their Bacon, Brie and Cranberry Sauce panini, it never fails), when I casually glance to my right to see who is beside me. It's Peter Andre. The one and only.

How odd.

I was of course more excited than my 'How odd' suggests, but we (or rather I, A wasn't that bothered), tried to remain calm, and we went to sit down after ordering. Then, lo and behold, the door opens about a minute later, and who wanders in in? Bill Bailey. Again, the one and only.

This was the most baffling thing that's possibly ever happened to us and of course, we jumped at the chance to get photos. So here they are...

(Food will be the focus of the next blog however, I promise).


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