Once again, I apologise for leaving it so long between posts, but there's been a lot going on! One massive change is the fact that we are both now graduands (Huzzah!); that blissful state of limbo between end of exams and the impending sense of responsibility signalled by graduation.
I was walking along the Triangle with a friend when we both spotted a new restaurant that had popped up; my compadre, another foodie-enthusiast suggested we go visit the next day for lunch. However, that evening I had plans to see a friend's band at the Coronation Tap... for all those aware of the Cori Tap, as it's affectionately known, can probably see where this is going. For those not in the know - the pub serves 10-12% cider tasting like apple juice. Lethal.
In hindsight, organising work experience in a GP's surgery for the following day was probably not the greatest idea... Thankfully I made it to the surgery on time looking surprisingly suave, albeit swaying slightly and undoubtedly smelling of alcohol. Now further sleep-deprived, I stumbled back up to the Triangle, encouraged only by the overwhelming excitement of a hearty meat-filled lunch.
Waiting outside for my friend to arrive, I was greeted by a charming lady with a tray full of pots of miscellaneous meats to taste - pulled pork, beef brisket, burnt ends, spicy sausages and more. It felt a bit strange tasting the food before I was due to go in and buy it, but at least then I could select what I wanted more easily.
Originally a festival, Grillstock has decided to set up a base in Bristol and I'm so glad they did because this place is incredible. Based heavily on America's deep south, with a single seated bar for diners, with a central trough of assorted sauces and condiments running along it and chefs resembling truckers, with peaked caps, all beardy and tattooed, the menu is one massive smorgasbord of delicious, slow-roasted, barbequed meats. As our orders arrived on trays pilled high with food, my hangover almost vanished in an instant. Vegetarians look away now.
Mmmmm.... meaty meaty goodness.
My order, a mountain of mixed meats, topped with cheese and sauces all fitted into a bun almost defeated me, although I'll admit my stomach was not in the best of states. My friend ordered a pulled pork plate and an additional hotdog topped with jalapenos. Both were delicious, although maybe a touch on the pricey side.
Definitely one of the best new places in Bristol to eat at the moment - go visit. Plus, you get to drink out of those epic Jeremiah Weed glasses, making you feel even more awesome, and for the toughest amongst you, they even have a man vs. food-esque challenge dubbed 'The Grand Champion' which grants you a free t-shirt and bottle of BBQ sauce should you choose to take on the meat feast and successfully complete it.
And now to bear the combined grunt of a hangover and a food coma.